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Data Science Learning Path – new courses at our faculty starting October 2017

Data science is undoubtedly a very hot topic nowadays. The prestigious Harvard Business review called it even "the sexiest job of the 21st century" [T.H. Davenport, D.J. Patil, HBR October 2012] (https://hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century).
We are gathering more and more data, and companies are struggling to use it effectively.  While progressing automation will replace more and more jobs by computers running sophisticated algorithms, there is and there will be in the near future an increasing demand for people with good data skills to develop and deploy those algorithms.
That’s why we propose you a learning path consisting of three courses:
  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
For further details please go to http://www.ztg.fais.uj.edu.pl/data-science.
In case of any further questions please refer to prof. dr hab. Piotr Białas piotr.bialas@uj.edu.pl.