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Competition for the position of an Assistant Professor at the Astronomical Observatory

Competition for the position of an Assistant Professor at the Astronomical Observatory  in academic discipline ERC Consolidator Grant 2022 Hydrogen and deuterium survey of minor bodies: transformative science with a purpose-built CubeSat (101089312 HYADES)


The selection procedure is open for all individuals, who meet the requirements set out in Articles 113 and 116.2.3) of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science, and who meet the following eligibility criteria according to § 165 of the Statute of the Jagiellonian University:

  • holding at least a doctoral degree,
  • having relevant scientific achievements,
  • taking active part in scientific life.


Additional requirements and expectations:

  • PhD in astronomy and/or astrophysics,
  • additional academic education in applied computer science and/or space engineering,
  • documented experience in observational astronomy and/or astrophysics (particularly satellite-based),
  • proficiency in English,
  • interest in the project objectives and motivation to participate in the planned research.


Description of tasks:

  • participate in the construction of the HYADES satellite,
  • develop software supporting satellite in-flight maneuvers,
  • participate in tests and calibration of the satellite after launch.


Form of submission: by e-mail to the address:

Deadline for submission of applications: 22 July 2024

Expected date of the selection procedure settlement: 30 July 2024

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