Nasz doktorant zakwalifikowany do finału konkursu Interstudent

Pochodzący z Indii Ghanshyambhai Khatrim, doktorant Międzynarodowych Studiów Doktoranckich z zastosowań fizyki jądrowej i innowacyjnych technologii realizowanych na naszym Wydziale, zakwalifikował się do finału konkursu Interstudent - konkursu na najlepszego studenta zagranicznego w Polsce.

Zachęcamy do oddania na Niego głosu! Głosowanie trwa tylko do północy 15 stycznia 2015 roku, a wyniki ogłoszone zostaną 22 stycznia podczas Gali Konkursu w Lublinie towarzyszącej konferencji Studenci zagraniczni w Polsce 2015.


A oto, co mówi o sobie Ghanshyambhai:
From childhood, I am fascinated by physics. I grew up reading and listening stories about great scientists, like Copernicus and Marie Skłodowska-Curie. I was born in India and raised in a financially backward family, but with hard work and struggle I won scholarship (thanks to Polish Foundation for Science (FNP), to pursue PhD in Jagiellonian University in Krakow - the place where also Copernicus studied. This is like a dream-come-true for any physics student like me. Not only the Polish history is great but also the present, the current educational system in Poland is very advanced, and much better than where I come from. The support for doing scientific research is very strong in Poland, this helped me develop many scientific skills in my research. Other things I love about Poland most are the untouched nature, the landscapes, the Tatra mountains, the Mazurian lakes, polish food - mainly dumplings and soups. After almost 4 years of my stay in Poland, I have explored a lot and so far it's been a great experience to touch the heart of the Poland, I learned some polish language, I fell in love with a beautiful Polish girl. My plan for the future is to continue my research in Poland, I am already part of the research team at the Cyclotron Center Bronowice in Krakow.

Data opublikowania: 09.01.2015
Osoba publikująca: Anna Gawlik

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